In fact, house-elves were taken advantage of, and, more often than not, blatantly abused.Ī strong example of this was the relationship between Sirius Black and Kreacher. Were House-Elves Mistreated?Īlthough the Ministry of Magic had clear and set guidelines for the proper treatment of house-elves, they were very rarely followed nor enforced. The consequence for not carrying out an order is punishment - either at the hand of the house-elf’s owner or through self-harm by the house-elf themself. The idea of disobedience is abhorrent to the house-elf, and, although they might not agree or want to obey a command, they are bound by house-elf law to carry out their order. They are treated very much like objects and are taught to value their unwavering obedience to their master above all else. House-elves are normally kept within families and passed on through heirs or next-of-kin. House-elves display an impressive level of magical prowess, and it is even observed by Harry that they are more capable of advanced magic than even most wizards or witches. In order to understand the significance, and to really grasp just how powerful this scene is, it is important to understand Harry & Dobby’s relationship in the context of the overarching relationship of house-elves and their masters.Ī house-elf is a powerful magical being, that is resigned to a life of complete servitude to its respective master(s) until it is released. ‘Master threw it, and Dobby caught it, and Dobby – Dobby is free.’ Dobby in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book) ‘Dobby has got a sock,’ said Dobby in disbelief.

Dobby is free.” Dobby in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Film) Book Quote Let’s take a look at both quotes side-by-side: Movie Quote And, although the quotes differ slightly between film and book, they ultimately have the same meaning and significance. The scene in which Dobby receives his sock is featured in both the book and the movie, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The “Master Has Given Dobby a Sock” Quote

The quote, “Master has given Dobby a Sock” has deep connotations and is a turning point in not only the relationship between Harry and Dobby but the treatment of house-elves by their ‘owners’ throughout the rest of the series. Dobby was a beloved character in the Harry Potter series who had developed quite the cult following, both in and outside of the books.